2008年11月26日 星期三

Throw-away Britain

Name: Freya 翁(49712063)

Reaction Article#8



Throw-away Britain

Those approaches dealing with garbage in different countries seems brilliant and effective at the first sight. But when I give a second thought, the whole scheme is just absurd! If the main goal is to reduce garbage and encourage recycling, then what's the point in "curbing the result" but not to "eliminate the cause"? I'm not saying those approaches are bad, but the scheme completely doesn't aim at the right target. They should recognize that the major work is to terminate the material consuming in that we modern people are so used to the pattern that everything comes in convenient package and that goods are designed to-go. They are the real factor resulting in garbage-producing and further we have to deal with it, aren't they? So why not design a revolutionary improvement? Just transfer the market mode into package free. Foe instance, we can have milk stations, say, in 7-ELEVEN, where we bring our own container for milk instead of buy one already with container. If everything is package free; then is there any garbage problem? Besides, we definitely have the technology to do so; it just need time and people's cooperation. Since dealing with garbage is troublesome, why not put the effort in bringing containers? It's also easy to invent various waterproof and foldable containers so that they are convenient to bring when we shop and buy to-go food. And those factories where used to produce containers can make new ones so the factory wouldn't suffer disadvantages when the approach put into practice. The new containers should be sold more expensive since they last long and the factories wouldn't continuously produce them. The government should really take this revolutionary method seriously. It's the true solution to the problem and the method to make our lives better.
