2008年11月6日 星期四

I Hip Hop, therefore I am

Name: Freya 翁(49712063)

Reaction Article#6


From:Taiwan Culture Portal

This article immediately catched my attention when I saw the word "Hip Hop" for I love dancing too.And what the article mentioned just stroke the right chord of me. Music and dancing are the most basic thing that delight people. However, we have forgotten how to appreciate them and enjoy them for so long a time. "Students were somewhat constrained in their body language and their connection to the music" he said,” probably due to our culture.”I had also sensed and experienced that when I learned dancing. But that would be such shame if we couldn't use our movements to speak for ourselves and feel the life of our body. Sometimes it's much more powerful than any spoken words, and you would definitely be amazed and addicted to that.
"From morning to night, Monday to Sunday. They dance, basically, for fun." Indeed, to dance doesn't require you to be skillful, you just have to stretch your body and work your passion. I feel nothing can make me feel more free than dancing."we learned to make a closer connection with music and developed a cheerful attitude towards dance, music and life."I can feel so alive than ever when I dance, all burden and restriction are left so far behind. I don't have to care for anything or obey any rule and manner. I just have to feel myself and go with the music. It's amazing how dancing can give us so many inspirations, dancing is a form of exercise, therefore it should be popular among all ages and should be a habit.If it really happens, the atmosphere of Taiwan's society would must be more diverse and vibrant. "Passion is the most important element to sustain your aspirations." I totally agree with that. Passion is definitely the decisive quality when it comes to achieving our dream. That's the very condition for success.
