2008年10月30日 星期四

Suicide bomber attacks Afghan ministry

Name: Freya 翁(49712063)

Reaction Article#5


From:UK Guardian
Suicide bomber attacks Afghan ministry

It's really sad to see human beings killing each other just because they possess different ideas.
The hatred between Taliban and other modern countries especially the United States was sprung from Taliban's considering unacceptable toward the relation between the US and Afghanistan in that they regard the government to have been corrupted for the economic relation with America. Besides that, Afghanistan's society had been falling, the economy as well as people's situation had been worsen, however, the government only comforted the nation with unsubstantial promises, which lead to the revolt of Taliban. Taliban was composed of pashtuns people and they realize autocracy and caesaropapism. But things didn’t turns out fine under their ruling. They set the rules that women couldn’t receive education or have a job and prohibit any entertainment such as movies, television, dancing. Their actions were also extremely radical. They said they were raising Jihad for the honor of their country and religion. However, their domination fell apart in the end in that they didn’t bring much progress for Afghanistan but make the society more chaotic with strict rules.

Now the situation has developed into two opposing sides of opinion. People in most countries may think Taliban’s deed has gone too far, but we can have other interpretation about why they are so radical. Maybe the United Stated should be responsible for it to some degree. Just as the saying goes, “History repeats itself.” I feel they have sunk into the blind fight which has lost its original purpose. And I feel deep grief reading ”A thousand splendid suns” by Khaled Hosseini, the novel narrating Afghanistan people’s life. The true meaning of Jihad has twisted. So many lives has been perished, is it worth it? Man is often unconscious of their deed when they just go with the flow of how things change. But we should and we must come to our senses. The resolution won’t come easy. But the two sides must stop this meaningless measure of war.
