2008年10月30日 星期四

Suicide bomber attacks Afghan ministry

Name: Freya 翁(49712063)

Reaction Article#5


From:UK Guardian
Suicide bomber attacks Afghan ministry

It's really sad to see human beings killing each other just because they possess different ideas.
The hatred between Taliban and other modern countries especially the United States was sprung from Taliban's considering unacceptable toward the relation between the US and Afghanistan in that they regard the government to have been corrupted for the economic relation with America. Besides that, Afghanistan's society had been falling, the economy as well as people's situation had been worsen, however, the government only comforted the nation with unsubstantial promises, which lead to the revolt of Taliban. Taliban was composed of pashtuns people and they realize autocracy and caesaropapism. But things didn’t turns out fine under their ruling. They set the rules that women couldn’t receive education or have a job and prohibit any entertainment such as movies, television, dancing. Their actions were also extremely radical. They said they were raising Jihad for the honor of their country and religion. However, their domination fell apart in the end in that they didn’t bring much progress for Afghanistan but make the society more chaotic with strict rules.

Now the situation has developed into two opposing sides of opinion. People in most countries may think Taliban’s deed has gone too far, but we can have other interpretation about why they are so radical. Maybe the United Stated should be responsible for it to some degree. Just as the saying goes, “History repeats itself.” I feel they have sunk into the blind fight which has lost its original purpose. And I feel deep grief reading ”A thousand splendid suns” by Khaled Hosseini, the novel narrating Afghanistan people’s life. The true meaning of Jihad has twisted. So many lives has been perished, is it worth it? Man is often unconscious of their deed when they just go with the flow of how things change. But we should and we must come to our senses. The resolution won’t come easy. But the two sides must stop this meaningless measure of war.

2008年10月22日 星期三

Why the hatred for Jamie Oliver? His ideas are pukka

Name: Freya 翁(49712063)

Reaction Article#4


From:UK Guardian

Why the hatred for Jamie Oliver? His ideas are pukka

Though I don’t know the incident the report is commenting about for I don’t know UK and Jamie Oliver well. But I did see him on “Travel & Living” channel teaching cooking. I enjoy learning cooking from him in that he reversed my idea that cooking shows are all boring; instead, he explains the process in a catchy way that you pick it up without memorizing the process. Besides, the way he behaves is so nature that you won’t feel you are watching a show but watching a friendly cook showing you how to cook in front of you. That’s really pleasant, and you would get interested in cooking, thanks to his being influential in a natural way. And I really made some delicious spaghetti by following what he told, it was really delicious.
The things I know about him are that he’s a famous cook in UK and runs restaurants, also hosts some TV show and published some books. I felt sorry for Jamie Oliver learning this news. How come should a kind man treated rudely by some specific people who have false viewpoint and have poor judgment. It’s even worse that those people should attack him with twisted reasons including his craving money, which neglect his good intension that he wants to let English people have more healthy diet and let them appreciate what we eat and how we cook; he raise celebrity craze of the public, however people who are wise respect him with good reason and he surely deserves his fame.
It’s sad that sometimes people just would do cruel actions, even in such developed country as UK. I see how terribly human’s dark side influences the society. I hope that the English who have false bias toward him would recognize the truth soon and support Jamie Oliver’s ideas which bring progress to UK’s society.

2008年10月16日 星期四

Taiwan's product designs make impact at Paris show

Name: Freya 翁(49712063)

Reaction Article#3


From:Taiwan Culture Portal

Taiwan's product designs make impact at Paris show

I feel quite proud when seeing this journal for it's an honor to receive international compliment especially in this case where we surpass other countries. It's also glad to know that we have Taiwan Creative Design Center and The National Taiwan Craft Research Institute to make efforts in designing. Hope this progress can really perk up our designing industry so that Taiwan would be more than just being characterized by a country specializing in technology industry. By diverse developng can we make balance in our society and elevate the international status of Taiwan. Besides, it's an unavoidable flow for Taiwanese people base our economy on various aspects rather than majorly on intelligence-related business since there's mere natural resource on this island.
Taiwan people should support domestic design as well. Ours own products are not neccessarily inferior to those famous brands. And ours can really cater to Taiwanese people's daily life based on the similar background between customer and designer. Actually, there're increasing numbers of domestic outlets, such as WorkingHouse, Target, Phoebe...etc. The quality of those products is pretty high. But they are all casual goods, I think we have huge potential for boutique. We should delicate our efforts to something lasting rather than temporary trend. Just like what the founder of Chanel, Cabrelle Chanel once said: I'm not creating fashion but creating classic. That's the spirit to create what stands the test of time. And we do have some well-known designers in and out of Taiwan. I'm looking forward to that day when we don't have to blindly persuing foreign famous brands.

2008年10月10日 星期五

High quality U.S. education to embrace talented Taiwanese ~ Taiwan

Name: Freya 翁(49712063)

Reaction Article#2


From:Taiwan Culture Portal

High quality U.S. education to embrace talented Taiwanese ~ Taiwan

In Taiwan, the U.S. seems to be the top option for further study, not only for a master's degree but also for undergraduate study or even high school education. In a word, when it comes to study abroad, "America" would naturally flash through Taiwanese people's mind.Indeed, the United States is one of the best when it comes to education all over the world.Personally, I really appreciate how their education system works-their students can choose whichever courses they would like to learn.This kind of free learning environment can really equip students with diverse capabilities.No wonder they are competitive and adaptable.Also, the students are so active, they dream boldly and actually take action to realize it, this is also the characteristic of the American, which really stimulates the progress in both education and society. That's the foundation why America is so-called the most powerful country.What's better, American students can find where their passion belongs to in their early age. Unlike Taiwanese student, we have a lot of boundaries, it's a must to learn what we're not interested in when high school, and can't choose whatever courses we want to take freely in college because we have to decide what to major and that is unchangable. It's common for Taiwanese students to feel that some kind of force is stopping them from give out their talent, suppressing their passion for various things that they are interested in.Through this coparison, we see it's one of the obvious reasons why American students are generally better than Taiwanese ones.Therefore, I would suggest our government to improve our education manner. Heading for America for study should not be a trend because we do have the ability to elevate our education system.

2008年10月7日 星期二

'Cape No.7' shakes up Taiwan's film industry

Name: Freya 翁(49712063)

Reaction Article#1


From:Taiwan Culture Portal

'Cape No.7' shakes up Taiwan's film industry


Influenced deeply by American movies, most Taiwanese people prefer Hollywood blockbusters to local ones.And I, no exception, am fond of and familiar with western movies but can't tell exactly what local ones that impress me.Remembering when I entered the theater for "Cape No.7", I didn't cherish much expectation since I'm not interested in local movies.To my great surprise, It turned out that I walked out of the theater with overwhelming appreciation."That, is a Master piece",I thought .Following the elaborately designed story line, the incidents went so naturally without any artificial trace or unnecessary plot that I was utterly sank into the movie. I felt like I was right beside those characters, watching their separate lives bumped into one another, producing conflicts and then fused as one. There were so many elements that touched me, including the eternal love between lovers, how well was the plots mended together, their tolerance for one another and for the environment,and the growth of the characters when their mindsets transformed from narrow ones to open ones.

Unlike those Hollywood movies with splendid effects but shallow meaning, Cape No.7 is relatively simple, however, it delivers profound thoughts(mentioned in the report). Moreover, the background is based on Taiwan,Pingtung, which makes this film full of local atmosphere, and further calls for audiences' recognition.I think it's part of the reason why this movie can be so popular, which has made eighty million dollars.What's more exciting, Cape No.7 had been chosen for Pusan international film festival along with other nine movies. I hope that this role model can perk up the movie industry in Taiwan. And there would be more and more brilliant and hard-working directors devote to film making. Last but not the least, Cape No.7 is really an honorable movie and indeed deserves its fame.