2009年4月10日 星期五


Compare to women's status in the Arabic world, I realize that men and women are very equal in Taiwan. "The veil gives women more power in a man's world.", the women don't directly express power, but at least newly sprouting power is sensed here. The rising conscious of women is the symbol of the progress of society. Knowing the new generation with improved concept is fighting for freedom and innovation in a soft way, I look forward to the day when the whole world to be as one. But the weary journey has just begun. "The West is no longer the only worldview to look up to. There are other ways of sharing the world and negotiating your place in it." The west should have given the Arabic world more time, not seeing the situation from a local perspective and providing inappropriate help is the cause of the conflict between the west and the Arabic countries. We see in this journal that what the Arabian people want is a environment neither confined in the tradition nor westernized. This really needs both sides of the world to sort it out. I think the western countries should not be involved actively, but let them develop on their own, providing aids when Arabian countries need. After all, they don't appreciate what's it like living in the Arabic world. "We firmly believe that America, with your guidance, can help foster that peace, though real peace can only be shared--never imposed." That somewhat reveals the implication of the UN force, didn't settle the conflict effectively but trigger the revolt of the terrorist. The insight of the Arabic world delivered by the journal correct my false bias against the Muslim, for I used to think that they don't accept the west in every aspect. But now I know they are tied together; whatever action both sides take influence each other. I hope those Arabian elite, men and women, will reform their country and connect with with the world soon.